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Providing quality infrastructure, conducting an efficient road operation and carefully analyzing highway incidents are some of the measures taken by EcoRodovias to reduce the number of accidents, injuries and deaths on the stretches that it manages.

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Continuous efforts have produced positive results.

In the first UN Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020, highways managed by EcoRodovias registered a decline of 46%, 45% and 37%, respectively, in the number of deaths, injury cases and accidents. 

To continue achieving these targets, new projects are being implemented, such as an assessment of the highway network based on the International Road Assessment Program (iRap) methodology in the most recent concession contracts, increase in the number of truck weighing stations, extension of escape ramps, and studies for new speed enforcement methods.

  • -46% deaths

  • -45% injured

  • -37% accidents

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Road safety management

EcoRodovias’ road safety ecosystem is comprised by four complementary pillars:

Safety Committees at Business Units: multidisciplinary groups that meet periodically to analyze accidents and suggest measures to reduce risks of new accidents.

Signage Committee: team that studies continuous improvements in signage, tests products, discusses standards and exchanges experiences.

Road Safety Innovation Squads: teams focused on studying innovative technologies and promoting partnerships with universities, incubators, startups and laboratories, among others.

Highway Safety Center: corporate structure focused on disseminating good practices, leveling knowledge, integrating local committees and providing technical support to concessionaires.

Improvements in infrastructure 

Among the measures that most contribute to reducing accidents and deaths are improvements in the road structure. In most cases, not only do expansion works result in greater comfort and fluidity, but are also determinant factors in increasing road safety.

A few good examples are road duplications, construction of cloverleaf interchanges and grade-separated turnarounds in which drivers do not need to cross the highway, and pedestrian overpasses.

Some measures focus exclusively on truck drivers, who drive long distances and, by being on the road for long hours, are more exposed to risks. For these drivers, rest areas are essential for them to take safe breaks during their trips.

Another device focused on heavy vehicle safety are escape ramps, which are built on roads with steep slopes and are designed to bring runaway vehicles to a complete and safe halt.