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Investing in Brazil’s highway infrastructure in a sustainable manner is part of EcoRodovias’ business strategy and culture, with the focus on themes such as mobility, highway safety, support for regional development, innovations for the sector, climate change, governance and diversity, equity and inclusion. To achieve our goals, we adopt international corporate sustainability standards. Our stock is traded on B3’s Novo Mercado listing segment and we are part of important portfolios and indexes linked to environmental, social and governance practices such as ISE, ICO2 and IDiversa.
We have structured the commitments made by EcoRodovias into an ESG agenda and outlined the sustainability pathways that will guide our journey through 2030. These are 10 pathways, with defined goals, to achieve our objectives in the environmental, social, and governance spheres.
To continue on this path towards sustainable development, which culminated in our 2030 ESG agenda, we consulted our internal audience and stakeholders to analyze our material topics, strategic vision, and risk map, as well as the Group’s sustainability policies and regulations. We also used the ESG goals of ASTM’s sustainability plan, our shareholder, as a reference, adapting its premises to the sectoral context, national regulations, and Brazil’s regional characteristics.
Contribute to the global decarbonization process and ensure climate resilience for the business and energy transition
Contribute to the preservation of biodiversity in the regions where EcoRodovias operates
Drive the circular economy with the focus on reducing environmental impacts, improving the reuse/recycling of waste
Promote the safety of people, strive to reduce highway accidents and zero occupational accidents, with performance that exceeds the sector benchmark
Operate with diverse, engaged and constantly trained teams
Strengthen corporate social responsibility, creating value for the company and local communities
Continue the best practices in governance and transparency
Contribute to the development of suppliers considering ESG aspects in our procurement chain
Ensure the integrity of our systems and data in compliance with current laws
Strengthen the culture of innovation to add value and competitive advantage to the company
EcoRodovias undertakes to pursue targets that are ambitious but necessary to achieve our goal of promoting sustainable development through our operations in Brazil’s highway infrastructure. Therefore, we structured the company’s Agenda ESG 2030 based on 10 pillars – our Paths to Sustainability. For each of them, we set medium- and long-term targets to be achieved through cross-company projects and initiatives that cover all our businesses. To define the targets, we considered the potential of our businesses to contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) established by the UN 2030 Agenda.
Climate Strategy
Biodiversity & Ecosystem
Circular Economy
Human Capital & DEI
Ethics, Transparency & Integrity
Sustainable Procurement
Data Protection & Security
Innovation & Technology