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The company is a subsidiary of the ASTM Group, an international player in large infrastructure, operating in highway concessions, design and build of major works and technology applied to infrastructure.
(1) Includes Primav Infraestrutura’s stake. (2) 65% stake indirectly held through Holding do Araguaia in which GLPx Participações holds 35% interest. Note: Excludes treasury Shares.
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Our presence
We manage the main highway corridors in the South, Southeast, North, Northeast and Midwest regions of the country.
highway concessions in 8 states
km of highways managed
Check our timeline to know more about our story:
Started the operation of Ecovia Caminho do Mar*, concessionaire that manages 137km of highways between Curitiba and Paranaguá Port.
Acquired Ecocataratas*, concessionaire that manages BR 277, from Guarapuava to Foz do Iguaçu, access to Mercosur and to the touristic region of Foz do Iguaçu.
Began partnership between CR Almeida and Impregilo S.p.A Groups.
Started operating Ecovias dos Imigrantes (that connects São Paulo to Santos Port) and Ecosul concessions (which manages Pelotas’ Highway Hub).
Launched Rodovia dos Imigrantes’ second lane, which was considered a reference construction by the Interamerican Development Bank (BID).
Year of Constitution of Ecocataratas, responsible for managing BR-277 between Guarapuava and Foz do Iguaçu*
*Ecovia and Ecocataratas concession contracts ended in November 2021, after 24 years of management.
Began the operation of the Ayrton Senna/Carvalho Pinto corridor through Ecopistas, which connects São Paulo to Vale do Paraíba, as well as to the North coast beaches and São Sebastião Port.
EcoRodovias was admitted at Novo Mercado through its public share offers (IPO).
Tecondi complex acquisition, which changed its name on the following year to Ecoporto Santos.
Impregilo sales its participation in EcoRodovias.
EcoRodovias starts to operate Eco101, which manages BR-101 from the border of Rio de Janeiro up to the south of Bahia.
EcoRodovias arrives at Rio de Janeiro with Ecoponte (Rio-Niterói Bridge) and starts to manage its 13,2km as well as its accesses, reaching a total extension of 23,4km.
Gavio Group, one of the largest global infrastructure companies, becomes part of EcoRodovias’ controller group.
Eco135 starts its operation in Minas Gerais, a connection route between the Southeast/ South and Northeast of the country.
MGO is acquired, which represents a strech of 436,6km at BR-050 (Eco050).
Ecovias do Cerrado’s concession contract is signed, with the responsibility of managing 437km at BR-364 and BR-365, between Minas Gerais and Goiás states.
ASTM Group becomes EcoRodovias main controller.
EcoRodovias wins the bid of BR-153/414/080/TO/GO and starts to operate Ecovias do Araguaia.
EcoRodovias wins the bid of BR-116/465/493/RJ/MG (EcoRioMinas) and becomes the largest highway operator in Brazil in extension.
The company wins the bid of Lote Rodovias do Noroeste Paulista and will assume the management of 600km between 2023 and 2025.