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Full Name*:
What is your relationship with the Ecorodovias Group?*: selectEmployee / Job Applicant / Intern / ApprenticeInvestorSupplierUser / Customer
Inform details of the request in the field below*:
To ensure the security of your data, we must confirm your identity. Please attach a photo ID. If you are the Data Subject’s legal representative, please attach to the request a power-of-attorney establishing the applicable representation powers.
By completing this form, you hereby declare, under penalty of law, that the following request pertains to your personal data and may not, under any circumstances, refer to the data of a third party, except in cases of legal representation to be verified upon the submission of a declaration, power-of-attorney or any other document that confers the powers to represent the third party.
I hereby acknowledge and accept full responsibility.*
This Privacy Notice applies to the users (“You” or “User”) of products or services provided by Ecorodovias Infraestrutura E Logística S.A. and its affiliated companies (“EcoRodovias” or “We/Us”) in Brazil.
The Privacy Notice informs You of how EcoRodovias processes your personal data in connection with its products and services. This includes general information on what type of personal data is collected and used, for what purposes, how long it will be used, with whom it can be shared and what your rights are regarding your personal data. You may receive additional information about the use of your personal data depending on the product, service or company affiliated to EcoRodovias offering such product or service. Unless otherwise informed to You, EcoRodovias is responsible for processing the personal data referred to in this Privacy Notice.
Collection and use of your personal data
Depending on the products or services that You use and on your interaction with EcoRodovias, We may collect and use your personal data.
The following personal data categories can be processed: Registration and identification data: name, email, telephone, identification document number and/or copy, gender, marital status, date of birth, full address;
Financial data: bank branch and account, among others;
Technical data: information about your device, electronic identifiers, cookies, physical location (based on your IP address) and other similar technical information;
Data related to your use of EcoRodovias products or services: data on traffic tickets, records of requests and complaints, your vehicle data, unique identifier numbers related to the use of service, your image;
Sensitive personal data: data related to health, biometric data and others. Personal data collected may be obtained directly by EcoRodovias from You, provided or shared by third parties, or obtained through publicly available databases. EcoRodovias will ensure that all personal data is collected in compliance with law and as strictly necessary for the purposes informed in this Privacy Notice.
Purposes for processing your personal data
EcoRodovias processes your personal data for the following purposes:
Apart from the above purposes, we may process your sensitive personal data in the following cases:
With whom we share your personal data
EcoRodovias will not share your personal data with third parties, except for the purposes listed above, in the following cases:
Where your personal data is processed
The personal data of Users may be processed in Brazil or other countries, such as the United States, always in compliance with contractual obligations related to confidentiality, integrity, information security and other applicable legal safeguards required by law.
Keep in mind that countries may have laws and protection levels related to personal data that differ from those in Brazil. EcoRodovias will adopt the measures required by law for any international transfer of personal data, to ensure the protection of the rights of personal data Subjects when such data is transferred to other countries.
How we protect your personal data
EcoRodovias adopts and maintains a continuous process of improving the technical and organizational measures to safeguard personal data and prevent security incidents, leaks or improper use of personal data.
EcoRodovias applies physical security procedures for access to its offices and premises. We also adopt information security measures, such as security software, continuous monitoring of equipment, network and servers of EcoRodovias, control and maintenance of records of access to systems and apps used in EcoRodovias, among others.
Employees, service providers and business partners of EcoRodovias are bound by confidentiality obligations. Only employees and service providers that need access to personal data to perform their activities have access to such personal data.
For how long is your personal data kept
EcoRodovias retains your personal data for the time necessary to achieve the purposes listed in this Privacy Notice, including to comply with legal and contractual obligations under concession agreements, permits or authorizations. For specific information on data retention periods, You can contact the personal data protection officer of EcoRodovias by sending an email to
What are your rights and how to exercise them
Pursuant to Federal Law 13,709/18 – General Personal Data Protection Law, the User has the following rights, which may be exercised in certain circumstances upon a request, pursuant to article 18 of said law: • confirmation of processing of your personal data; • access to your personal data; • correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated personal data; • anonymization, blocking or deletion of unnecessary and excessive data or data that was not processed in compliance with the GDPL; • portability of personal data to another product or service supplier, subject to the regulations of the national authority; • request for deletion or anonymization of personal data processed based on your consent, except when law authorizes the maintenance of such data for other reasons; • information on public and private entities with which EcoRodovias has shared your personal data; • information on the possibility of not consenting to the processing of your personal data and the consequences of such an action; and • withdrawal of your consent.
Updated to this Privacy Notice and Contact Information
EcoRodovias takes the rights of Users seriously and will, pursuant to law, facilitate the fulfillment of requests to exercise the rights.
This Privacy Notice may be updated from time to time. All changes will take effect starting from the date of update, unless otherwise informed to You. We will employ efforts to inform you of updates to this Privacy Notice, especially through our website.
For comments, questions or requests for additional information on this Privacy Notice and/or other issues related to personal data protection conducted by EcoRodovias, contact the department personal data protection officer by sending an email to:
What is the General Personal Data Protection Law (GDPL)?
The General Personal Data Protection Law (Federal Law 13,709/18), or GDPL, establishes the rules for processing the personal data of a Subject, that is, a living natural person.
What is personal data and sensitive personal data?
Personal data is information that identifies or allows the indirect identification of the Subject. Examples of identifying Personal Data: name, unique document number (RG/CPF/CNH), email, telephone etc.; Examples of Personal Data that enable indirect identification: IP, geolocation, license plate etc. Sensitive Personal Data refers to Personal Data that may result in some of discrimination of the Subject. E.g.: race or ethnicity, religious conviction, political opinion, membership of trade union or religious, philosophical or political organization, information related to the health or sexual life, genetic or biometric information.
What is Personal Data Processing?
Processing means all and any operation carried out with your Personal Data, from collection to disposal.
Do EcoRodovias Group companies process Personal Data?
Yes, EcoRodovias Group companies process Personal Data. Data is processed in diverse situations, depending on how the Subject interacts with EcoRodovias Group companies. For example, these process the personal data of highway users, clients of EcoPorto and EcoPátio, job applicants, employees, interns, apprentices, workers, suppliers and investors (natural persons).
Do EcoRodovias Group companies share Personal Data?
EcoRodovias Group companies do not share the Personal Data of Subjects with third parties, except in cases established by law. The following list shows a few situations when Personal Data can be shared:
When we have obtained your consent to share your personal data.
Do EcoRodovias Group companies comply with GDPL?
Yes, the EcoRodovias Group companies comply with GDPL EcoRodovias Group is aware of the significance of privacy and the importance of the Personal Data of Subjects and hence adopts several technical and administrative measures to protect them. It also adopts transparency practices by providing Privacy Notices on its websites and apps.
What are the Subject’s Rights?
Subjects have several rights assured by the GDPL, such as:
How can Subjects exercise their Rights provided for in the GDPL?
Subjects may exercise their rights established in the GDPL by sending their request to one of the following channels: